Ohhhhkayyyy. I think I've just about had enough of George Lucas defiling Star Wars with his reckless incompetence. Let's face it, this guy is really only good at one thing, special effects. Oh he did have a glorious story idea that he worked with other writers and directors to develop (the original trilogy), but let's face it, once he took back the reins it was all down hill from there. The prequel trilogy is what happens when someone with billions of dollars goes senile! Why I am ranting about Star Wars? Because I saw the Clone Wars trailer, and while Lucas didn't direct or write the movie, it's clearly his fault. What continues to baffle me is that he still has millions of rose colored glasses wearing devotees, paying their tithes in the millions to this fallen entertainer. Earth to nerds, THE STAR WARS PREQUELS SUCKED!!! Why I ask? Why another Star Wars prequel? I am well aware of the Cartoon Network series, having seen it, but no! NO! NO! NO! Bad Lucas! Bad!!! Mr. Lucas, admit that you are a terrible writer, director, and person. Well
ok the last was a bit much, but I really think this man has gone mad with power. However, I am willing to give him one more chance if he will abdicate the writer/director's chair and produce a sequel trilogy to the original Star Wars. That could be really cool. Could be...
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