When the Star Trek TV series's ended, I had a painful Sci-Fi void that needed filling. I found that fulfillment in the Stargate television franchise (I love Atlantis). Consequently, I was thrilled when I learned of the two direct to DVD movies that were released this year: The ARK of Truth and Continuum. For those who aren't familiar with the series, ARK of Truth (released this past March) completed the ten season SG-1 TV series story line, making Stargate Continuum the franchise's first stand alone movie. Unfortunately, the creative forces behind Stargate decided to make yet another story about time travel and alternate realities. This wouldn't be a big deal except that SG-1 has been down this road at least five times (AT LEAST, and I am seriously not exaggerating). And each time its the same old plot: heroes thrown back in time or into an alternate realty, must convince bizzarro versions of friends and allies to help them get back, and lots of people die but are alive again by the end of the episode because none of it really happened. And I couldn't help but notice the plot's uncanny resemblance to that of Star Trek First Contact. Having said that, I must admit that it was fun seeing all my favorite characters come together again for more Stargate. And that's really this movie's saving virtue. It's more Stargate. Fans won't be disappointed as the time apart hasn't eroded the chemistry between the SG-1 cast one bit, and it's always cool to see Richard Dean Anderson back in action (although not very much of it, he being only in about a half hour of the 100 minute film). If it weren't for the nostalgic factors, this film would hold little appeal. But because it's more Stargate, I enjoyed it. Makes me miss the series. Oh well, I still have Atlantis. Two stars for Stargate Continuum.